This Gadget Has No Title

“A path is only a path, and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you . . . Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself alone, one question . . . Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't it is of no use.”
Carlos Castaneda

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Life Purpose of INFJs by Darbright

I'm always amazed to find greater insight into why I am the way I am. Enjoy the article and if you like it you should visit Darbright's blog.


Mystic Dog Ears

The Life Purpose of INFJs

by DARBRIGHT on MAY 9, 2011
When I write this article, I write with a sense of apprehension, some trembling and a whole lot of misgivings. Who am I to decide what the life purpose of an entire category of psychological types is? :-p
Still, this is something that many INFJs might find useful. At the very least it will give you a point of reference to start working from.
So I’ve finally given in to this truly irritating need to share this piece of information. However, as you read this, take in mind that I am writing from my personal opinions and experience, and that I am writing specifically for the INFJs of this world searching for their life purpose.
Ok… after having given enough disclaimers, you may or may not accept what I have to share, but nonetheless here it is.

The Life Purpose of INFJs

If you are an INFJ, I trust that you will know what I mean about the endless and agonizing search for meaning in life. A search for a life purpose that transcends the physical existence of what it means to be a human being and not just another mindless member of the human race.
You have an unrelenting need to be “different”, somehow drawn apart from everyone else. Yet it isn’t a need, but a knowing that you are different. To you, the physical world seems ridiculous and without any lasting significance. In other words, you find the day to day existence and idle chatter of the people around you mundane and “meaningless” in the larger scheme of life and the universe.
While you feel this need to be different, you may also find yourself fighting it just so that you can fit into society. Yet while you fight this need, you still end up being different and weird anyway.
It’s been bugging me why the number of INFJs has been pegged at around 1-2% of the human population. For all I know, it could be more because INFJs can be really good at hiding in plain sight with different groups of people. But still, why such a small number?
Could it be that INFJs are a dying breed because we do not fit into modern society? That psychological preferences that belong to an INFJ are becoming obsolete and useless?
Perhaps if I were to take a larger perspective that everything in life and nature exists for a reason. Could it be that INFJs are needed only in small numbers?
Think a  little about this.
In large numbers, INFJs would probably cause the entire mechanism that is based on producing physical goods and services to a grinding halt. The truth is, INFJs don’t function well in repetitive and mechanical environments that separate humanity from spirituality.
When it comes to life purpose, an INFJ is simply not designed to be another cogwheel in the machinery of modern society.

So what then is the Life Purpose of an INFJ?

I dare to say this because it might resonate for some of you INFJs who read this blog.
The life purpose of an INFJ is to be the one who brings hope to others, to bring light into the darkness, to be the ones who gently guide a lost soul back onto the path towards the Light.
Your work is in the intangible and metaphysical world. You intuitively understand psychological processes and intentions of those you come into contact with. Insight into human nature is so blindingly obvious to you that sometimes you are left in amazement that others can’t see what you see.
And because you understand how the human mind reacts to stimuli, you are sometimes left in a bind on how to behave and what to say. Why? Because you do not want your words and actions to be construed as self-serving or manipulation for your own selfish gain.
Your gift is to work with people, to help them for their own highest good. And sometimes, even to your own detriment. But then again, don’t you find yourself submerging your own needs and well-being so that another might be better off instead?
That’s right. You are a dumb, self-sacrificing piece of work who will probably end up on the rubbish dumps of society once you’ve outlived your usefulness.
Yet, your mental operating system seems to be set to wanting the best for others by default. And it’s a pretty damn hard thing to change how you are wired no matter how hard you try, right?

Hard To Fit Into Modern Society

Do you find it almost impossible to fit into modern society where the primary and often sole purpose is to win at all costs?
In a dog-eat-dog world, do you feel that you would be torn apart, chewed up and spat out by those who would use you for their own gain without a second thought?
Do you feel that in order to survive, you need to deny who you are and become someone else?
It’s tough isn’t it?
When I say this, I don’t mean that other psychological types don’t feel the same way. But for INFJs, this same feeling is a deep, intense loathing of being untrue to yourself and an almost insurmountable inner psychological barrier.
While other types are able to set this feeling aside and still function fairly well in society, INFJs who are in touch with their spiritual awareness find it almost debilitating to “kill” their spiritual selves just to fit in.
When you do, you are still rarely able to stay in any job, no matter how “perfect” you may be on the outside. When the work you do is divorced from meaning and purpose, you find it impossible to stay in it for the long term. It’s another reason why so many INFJs jump from job to job, hoping to find their passion and life purpose.
What You Need…
You have a need to do something good for humanity and yet find people too taxing on your senses to tolerate human company for long. It’s a contradiction that is hard to resolve… wanting the good for humanity yet needing the distance from crowds and strangers. But it is so… INFJ…
When it comes to the metaphysical or spiritual world, you revel in it. You are intensely curious about life and life after death. You have this need to discover the metaphysical and spiritual worlds, to find out how they work and how they impact our existence on this planet as physical beings. You are keenly interested in the invisible unseen nature of our existence.
In a world that is driven by science and physical evidence, you may find your true selves displaced. There is no “need” for your work and passion in a world that driven to accumulate more physical wealth, more status and more “stuff”.
While you understand that material stuff is necessary, you find it hard to devote your life to the pursuit of material wealth and material wealth alone.
Oh yes, you can try. You even make several attempts to pursue wealth accumulation. But if I’m correct, you probably find yourself giving up along the way simply because there is no lasting significance in the pursuit of material wealth.

Ideal Positions for INFJs

If you have been searching for what to do with your life, no doubt you have come across several places which say that ideal vocations for INFJs are pastors, psychologists, writers, or anything that has to do with people and helping people. I won’t repeat those vocations here because they are already extensively covered on many other websites.
Of course, you will find INFJs in very different vocations. INFJs have an interesting set of cognitive abilities that allow them to excel in different professions.
But I’m writing this post for the INFJs who are specifically searching for a larger life purpose than just doing a job and going home. I am writing for INFJs who feel their calling to a larger “higher” purpose in life and who find themselves lost in our modern society where there is little room for the spiritual and metaphysical in every day life.
I can’t tell you exactly what you should be doing. Everyone’s situation is different. What’s available to one will not be available to another. What’s needed in one place will be different from somewhere else. As much as I wish there could be a clear and specific answer for you, all I can really share is a direction you need to go.
You need to find a way to express your abilities and drive to help humanity. It is the only way you can find real inner joy and fulfillment. It’s how you fulfill your life purpose.

The Contradiction That Is INFJ Explained

I understand that it’s immensely contradictory for someone who has an almost pathological need for lots of alone time to be involved with helping people. But for an INFJ, it’s just the way it is. In your need to walk both the darkness and the light, you have to find a balance between the pull of both sides.
And in finding that balance of dynamic tension, you come to understand many aspects of human nature that exists in every one of us. In finding yourself, you develop that experience and understanding that allows you deep, almost empathetic insights into human nature. Because of the need to explore your inner world of awareness, you come to know the deepest depths of despair and the highest heights of joy.
In truth, yours is not an easy place to be. In other words, it sucks to be you. :-)
Being an INFJ on the path of spiritual awakening is not an easy calling or a simple path to walk. In the world of the spiritual, it sometimes feel as though you are the trailblazer where you are.
You are the one who has to break the path of the yet unknown to make it known.
You have to walk many inner worlds and feel many intense emotions that may drive others insane. You might even have scared others off with the level of your intensity when it is unleashed. :-)

Your Life Purpose – INFJ

I dare say this. As an INFJ, when you have traveled the inner worlds that you need to walk, you will grow into the person you need to be. In your youth, you may wish that you have not said or done many things that you have. You probably found yourself misunderstood by those around you even though you have done things with the best of intentions.
Most of the times, anyway. ;-)
I have to tell you, that misunderstanding is not going to change. You are going to meet a lot of people who are unaware and unawakened. People who are like cavemen in their awareness, others who seek to manipulate with a smile for their own selfish gains, and others who are treasures yet to be discovered.
You need to be clear about your intentions and purpose about working for the highest good of all. Your physical actions may be misunderstood, which is only “normal”. This is simply because people place meanings on your actions based on their own personal beliefs and experience.
As you gain in experience and understanding, you learn the behaviors, words and actions needed to gently guide others onto paths that are for the highest good. I know, it’s very presumptuous to think you know what is the highest good, but you’ll figure out how to deal with it along the way.
In your youth, you are still developing your ability to find that balance between the darkness and the light. You are still trying to comprehend why you are the way you are. Intense emotions and feelings trigger off actions that you do not want to do, yet find yourself doing anyway.
In the life of an INFJ, I would say that’s pretty par for the course.
As you gain understanding and insight, you will learn to differentiate feelings from emotions. And you will learn how to trust your intuition while managing your often overwhelming emotions. Can’t separate the two just yet? Well, it’s part of the learning curve.
It is in the walking of this path that you develop yourself. It is in this path that you gain your almost unbelievable “life wisdom” and spiritual connection that you need just to survive your turbulent youth. It is in the understanding of your own intense, passionate and wildly emotional nature that you come to understand others around you.
If anyone thinks you are unemotional, boring and dull, it’s because they have not gained the trust to be in your inner circle. In other words, they have not proven themselves worthy of access to the innermost thoughts, feelings and core of your being. To let them in is to allow a bull into a china shop, where their thoughtless actions would break too  many precious things without them even being aware of it.
It’s not an easy path when you are so open to the thoughts and emotions of others around you. Sensitive without understanding, intuitive without experience. You find yourself wanting to rebel against the unrelenting and hard nature that is this world, where the primary and often only purpose is self gain and survival at the expense of others.
It’s why many INFJs need to find isolation and peace. It isn’t so much that you want to avoid people, but that prolonged exposure to the emotions and actions of others affect you so greatly that sometimes you find yourself exhausted and drowning in emotional tsunamis.
A harsh word that is water off a duck’s back to others can hit you hard and stay with you for days until you learn to clear that inner dissonance from your soul. Yes, you need to learn how to work the inner worlds until you find your balance and harmony again.
As you struggle in the cocoon of inexperience and emotional turbulence, you are developing the strength and abilities you need to help humanity for the moment when you break free of shackles that have been imposed both externally and internally.
In short, your life purpose, as a spiritually awakened and aware INFJ, is to bring light to humanity. To spark off the awareness and understanding of the spiritual dimensions that are part of the heritage of humanity. It’s not an easy path, but it’s your destination and life calling.
It’s often thankless work while you do it, but the effects of your work will continue to resonate even after you have gone home.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful and so sadly true.

Anonymous said...

Understanding the inner you is the key to happiness. Life is all about love & forgiveness, that really is all that matters & when you can live it - you light will shine brightly in this world!
I am an INFJ & happy that I have these gifts to share!

seastarze said...

Thank you so much for this post, its so great... I can especially relate to this:

"It’s why many INFJs need to find isolation and peace. It isn’t so much that you want to avoid people, but that prolonged exposure to the emotions and actions of others affect you so greatly that sometimes you find yourself exhausted and drowning in emotional tsunamis."

I have this unrelenting drive to help people who I can't even be around... Lately, I can't even open my e-mail because I realize I might read something that could potentially incite me to action and ultimately exhaust me even further... Also, music even exhausts me... I hate being a "special snowflake" :P"

Jen said...

Thank you for taking the time to write this article. I'm 56 and only recently *found* out that I'm an INFJ, a HSP ( Highly Sensitive Person ) and a Crystal Adult. Actually they're all one and the same. :-) I've spent my life dodging labels slapped on me ...difficult, complex, complicated. neurotic, highly-strung, over-sensitive, weird, over-emotional, bat shit crazy, can't commit to a job, rebellious, an outsider, anti-social...and so on. I've spent years experiencing severe anxiety, anxiety/panic attacks , migraine headaches and other psychosomatic ills...all related to feeling like a stranger in a strange land. Through marriages, children, world travels, moving home back and forth across oceans, as well as a slew of jobs, from journalist to dishwasher, I've somehow...I honestly can't explain it...managed to keep my shit together. Somehow I just knew that I was OK,and that everything "out there", was not. I went vegan, I learned how to grow food, work with nature and live off the grid. Even so...I understood, instinctively, that being reclusive was not my purpose. My life's work, if you could call it that...has been to maintain balance...internally and externally. I just knew that alcohol, drugs, religion, medications, like anti-depressants and such, would be the absolute ruin, and end of me. To boot, my body is highly sensitive to most things, even clothing. If it's made from certain fibres,my skin hurts! My body harshly rejects regular medications which has forced me to " fix things with my mind" ( I know, it's totally weird ). And as a child,adults would come to me to off load their problems, speaking to me of things I barely knew anything of.I was a listening post.So I listened,absorbed and learned. As I got older I became even more aware of how total strangers would begin speaking to me in the oddest places...on the bus, in a line at the shops, or bank...often saying " I've never told anyone this ". I'd never see these people again...and I wondered what the significance was in these random,yet profound, meetings. So,what you wrote, about offering hope, bringing light, perhaps some wise insight,inspiration or even simple motivation, to someone who at that very moment needs to share, seems to be our right path. To simply be there,just being ourselves, is enough. I saw a lovely quote recently about being Encouragers. This resonates with me, to the core. Sadly, it won't pay the rent :-) but then I have been blessed with almost magical events which seem to ensure through all my ups and downs, that I always had everything I need. I imagine this has been my wages from The Universe?:-) People say I'm extraordinarily lucky. But I see how things work. Gratitude is my currency. For so many years I wandered about in this INFJ wilderness, honestly believing I was absolutely alone!Which has been my greatest sorrow (and fear)...especially seeing as my own family are complete muggles! :-) I suspect my mother, who died very young at 24 (when I was only 5) might have been an INFJ too, but I'll never know. I cannot even begin to express how relieved I am to find that I am not alone.Thank you again.